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Working Wonders

PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 11:32 am
by bruceb
A priest, Jesus and Chuck Norris are sitting in a boat. The
priest says to Jesus "I am a devout man and believe in you, but that
part about walking across the water...I just can't believe that."
Jesus says, "What's so difficult about that?" With that he steps out
of the boat and walks to the nearby shore. The priest exclaims to
Chuck Norris, "Look at that! He walked right across the water!" Chuck
Norris reponds, "What's so exciting about that?" and gets out of the
boat and walks to shore. The priest is flabbergasted and thinks, "Well
if Chuck Norris can do that so can I," gets out of the boat and sinks
to the bottom of the lake. Jesus says to Chuck Norris, "I guess it
really wasn't very nice of us not to tell him where the stones were," which Chuck Norris replies, "Which stones?"

PostPosted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 1:02 pm
by GreenBean

PostPosted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:15 am
by Aadje

Along the same lines:

Long after the crucifixion, Jesus and two of his apostles were talking about the good old days. Amongst others about the walking on water part. And both of the apostles wanted to see Jesus do that once more. Jesus of course replied that he wouldn't do it as he was like "been there, done that". But they insisted. After intensive nagging Jesus gave in.
So the next day they went to the lake and in a boat. Rowed to the middle and Jesus took a deep breath and stepped out of the boat. Only to immediately sink to the bottom of the lake.
After he was rescued by his apostles he said: "Blast! I totally forgot about the holes in my feet".