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I've cracked the Imex!

PostPosted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:40 pm
by simonp
No, no, not literally :wink: I think I have cracked the roasting method :D .

As I did the other day with some Malabar Gold, I covered the outside vent about 1/3 with silver foil placed on the inside.
I placed the SImex on top of a wooden shelving unit we have in the kitchen next to a window. I was hoping that this higher loaction would allow me to get my ear closer to the exhaust to hear the cracks, and the open window would vent the smoke.
This time I roasted some Hasbean Espresso Blend so the cracks would be separated more than the MG.
Once again the profile was much easier, with a little left on the heat controller to spare. 1st crack was much easier to hear with the SImex higher, and my ear near the exhaust. The approach to second crack I was much quicker than before, and to my desired profile. Around about 450-460F I heard the first pop of 2nd (this is the first time I have been able to hear it), then a short while later the cracks started to come in numbers. I went about 20s into 2nd crack to make sure the robusta was well done.
The roast looks good, with no oil. It is a little uneven, but then this pre-blend always does that, perhaps a little longer in the drying phase (I did 6 minutes up to 380F).

Hopefully I can repeat this result, and get some good roasts. I'll keep you all posted, as ever :)